We are a group of local Murray Calloway County, KY residents representing families and organizations dedicated to disseminating accurate information, advocating, providing education and training, raising awareness, and preventing death by suicide. All proceeds stay in Calloway County and benefit the education and training activities to aid in the zero tolerance mission of the coalition.The coalition meets monthly to address these serious issues by gaining knowledgeand planning community events.  Our mission is to connect people with appropriate referrals.

  • Suicide Prevention Coalition meetings are at 1:00 at Pagliai’s Pizza, contact for date of Tuesday meeting. Community members welcome.
  • We periodically offer crisis intervention trainings.

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the nation and the second leading cause of death for Kentuckians between the ages of 15-34.

The Calloway County area has one the highest suicide rates in the state.


It doesn’t have to be like this. Here are some common myths associated with suicide prevention:

No one can stop a suicide, it is inevitable. If people are in a crisis and get the help they need, they may never be suicidal again.
Confronting a person about suicide will only increase the risk of suicide. Asking someone directly about suicidal intent lowers anxiety, opens up a dialogue, and lowers the risk of an impulsive act.


Only experts can prevent suicide. Suicide prevention is everybody’s business, and anyone can help prevent the tragedy of suicide.


Help us be the light others look to in their times on need. Be aware of your resources. Volunteer your time. Be a Warrior of Hope.